Pan-tenex – Best Odor Profile for Your EPI Dog
Pan-tenex users are “in-the-know” when it comes to pancreatic enzymes and the proper care of their pets. They have come to appreciate the 10x potency, quality & consistency behind Pan-tenex that makes it the best enzyme for their pet. For those that may use a different pancreatic enzyme, if you’ve

Is your EPI dog truly stable using Pancreatin 6x or 8x?
Your dog has tested positive for EPI and you have a plan moving forward. Or so you thought. You’ve joined all the forums, both open & closed. You’ve purchased the Pancreatin 6x or 8x enzymes that the forums promote along with other needed products and have started treatment. However, a few

EPI In Dogs – Choosing The Correct Pancreatic Enzyme
For the purpose of this reading, it is assumed that you have confirmed through a TLI blood test by your veterinarian that your dog has EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency). While SID (Small Intestinal Dysbiosis) formerly known as SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) and Vitamin B12 levels are also important topics

Pan-tenex – Pancreatin 10x Potency For Your EPI Dog
Our customers have come to know that the 10x enzyme potency found in Pan-tenex® is simply the best pancreatic enzyme for their dog in terms of effectiveness, quality & cost. This 10x potency ensures that our customers will always receive a consistent product which is essential to the proper care